Monday, May 12, 2008

The doctor was in...

and I've got Achilles Tendon Enthesopathy. Sounds worse than it probably is - he says it is totally reversible. As I said before, my number one fear is that this was a career ending injury. This is not a career ending injury. Here is what he has prescribed:

4 weeks no impact - elliptical running, biking, weight lifting and swimming are all fine
2-3 sessions physical therapy
"Aggressive" stretching -they will show me how in the PT
Daily Advil
revisit in 6 weeks (start running in 4 so we can talk about how it is going when I see him again)

Not too bad. Apparently what is happening is that my Hamstring and Calf muscles are tight. This, along with the running tugs and tears at the point where my Achilles Tendon attaches to my heal. These tears bleed a little, and when bone bleeds, it makes new bone. This leads to growth of little bone spurs, the hardening of the tendon, swelling, and can sometimes aggravate the nerve in there.

Anyway, if you want to learn more, see the link below. My favorite part? This is a condition that affects athletes and lazy fat people - not people who generally share health woes.

"Contracted or shortened calf muscles resulting from a sedentary lifestyle and obesity or athletic overuse are factors."

1 comment:

BFlatSeven said...

Glad to hear it's relatively minor, but it still sounds like a pain in the butt ... I mean heel. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!